Saturday, December 5, 2009

On the Paradox of Choice

An interesting talk for discussion. He poses some interesting points, but after reading some comments on TED, there certainly are flaws in his logic. There are some important points that he inadvertently picks up but doesn't dwell on. These ideas present a more positive, optimistic view. Living in the moment prevents the influx of options and doubt. Education and information improves your ability to make a choice. You are happier with more choices - you just need to be happy with what you have chosen.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Don't Talk to Police

Informative video about the benefits of the 5th amendment. He builds up a very convincing case stating that you should never say anything to a cop no matter how innocent you are.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Steve Wozniak

This is a great talk by Steve Wozniak who started Apple along with Steve Jobs. He tells a great story about his early education and computer designs. It is important for young engineers to listen to these old folks. The powerful idea here: We learn by playing.